Fa‘a Samoa: The National Park of American Samoa (WAITLIST CLOSED)

Welcome to the National Park of American Samoa, the only U.S. national park south of the equator. On this tour, you have the rare opportunity to visit all of the islands that comprise this national park — Tutuila, Aunu‘u and the Manu‘a Islands. You will be spending time with the community and learning about the customs of the islands, while also visiting paleotropic rainforests and seeing flora and fauna found in no other national park. During this unforgettable NPCA small group tour, you’ll feel the warm welcome of Samoan culture as a guest in an immersive experience of community, culture and conservation.

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Available Dates:

October 10-17, 2024 - SOLD OUT FOR 2024 (WAITLIST ONLY)

8 days/7 nights

Minimum/Maximum: 8 guests/10 guests


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Our goal is to offer premium educational travel itineraries in the places we know best: America’s national parks.

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Itinerary Highlights

  • Embark with a local guide on an exclusive “insider’s tour” of Aunu‘u Island, engaging with residents of the local villages and partaking in a traditional ava welcome ceremony
  • Travel through one of the most remote national parks in the U.S., getting a behind-the-scenes look from NPCA experts at what challenges face the area
  • Paddle an outrigger canoe in the crystal-clear, tropical waters of Pago Pago Harbor with a local canoe club
  • Spend two full days on Ofu Island hiking its mountains, exploring its wildlife and plants, snorkeling among the more than 950 species of fish and 250 types of coral
  • Journey with expert guides through coastal areas and paths, secluded beaches, a littoral forest and archaeological sites on the island of Ta‘ū
  • Immerse yourself in the oldest culture of Polynesia, the Samoan culture, with a local family who will prepare a traditional-style umu lunch for you
  • Receive expert knowledge as you tour the state-of-the-art Tauese P.F. Sunia Ocean Center to learn about the National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa


Day 1: October 10 - Arrival Day Pago Pago, Tutuila: Arrive in the late evening in Pago Pago on the main island of Tutuila. Your NPCA host and trip leader will meet you once you clear immigration and customs. When the group has gathered, we’ll travel in private shuttles to our beachfront hotel, Sadie’s by the Sea, and check-in. Our NPCA host will provide an overview of NPCA’s role and priorities in the region and the exciting sites we can expect to see throughout our carefully crafted NPCA small group adventure.
Sadie’s by the Sea (D)

Day 2: October 11 - Pago Pago, Tutuila: We’ll start our first full day in American Samoa with a group breakfast, introductions, and an orientation to the islands and to fa‘asamoa. The group will then head out together for the National Park of American Samoa (NPAS) Visitor Center, where we will get an overview of the park, which spans land and offshore areas on and around the islands of Tutuila, Ofu and Ta‘ū. A national park ranger will join the group as we head out to the Pago Pago section of the national park, which is located on the north side of Tutuila island between Fagasā Bay and Afono Bay and extends from Mt. Alava and the Maunaloa Ridge to the offshore reefs. A picnic lunch will be provided to enjoy during our outing. On the way to the park, we will pass the villages whose chiefs signed the 50-year leases. We may also catch the first glimpse of the large fruit bats, some of which have the wingspan of an owl. Following the visit to the national park, the group will enjoy a tour of the state-of-the-art Tauese P.F. Sunia Ocean Center to learn about the National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa, the largest and most remote of the U.S national marine sanctuaries. Formed by extinct volcanoes, its habitats are host to a bewildering variety of tropical fish, invertebrates and algae. This extraordinary marine national monument has faced unprecedented threats — threats which NPCA is actively addressing in order to preserve the sanctuary’s natural and cultural resources. As we will experience firsthand, its unparalleled beauty is a legacy NPCA remains vigilant in protecting. The group will walk back to the hotel from the Ocean Center to prepare for a group dinner at a local restaurant.
Sadie’s by the Sea (B, L, D)

Day 3: October 12 - Aunu‘u Island: After enjoying breakfast, we’ll depart for our day excursion to Aunu‘u National Natural Landmark. Aunu‘u is a small volcanic island 1.2 miles southeast of Tutuila with a land area of 0.58 square miles and is home to Aunu‘u Village. We will head out to Aunu‘u in water taxis (small boats) with a local guide from Aunu‘u who will take us on a special “insider’s tour” to meet the residents of the village. Residents will share typical aspects of daily village life and Samoan practices and customs, including a traditional ava welcome ceremony. They will also share beautiful sites where we can spend some time swimming or snorkeling. Although the beauty of these sites is unmistakable, residents of the village may also share their concerns about rising sea levels — a reality that NPCA is addressing in collaboration with local community partners. After swimming or snorkeling, an umu lunch will be served, prepared specially for the group by a local family. The umu is an above-ground earthen oven in which food is cooked on heated stones. Samoans typically prepare food in the umu on special occasions and for special guests. After lunch, we will depart on our water taxi and return to Tutuila. At the hotel, we can enjoy a bit of free time before gathering for dinner at the hotel restaurant. Sadie’s by the Sea (B, L, D)

Day 4: October 13 - Pago Pago, Tutuila: Sunday is a day of worship in Samoa. Our morning schedule is free, and you may choose to attend one of the many church services in town. Christian missionaries were very successful throughout Polynesia, and church is an important part of Samoan culture today. Attending church is an interesting cultural experience and an excellent opportunity to hear wonderful Samoan singing. Services are available in Samoan and English and last approximately an hour. We’ll enjoy lunch in the hotel restaurant, then join our trip leader to head out for a canoe excursion. We’ll paddle an outrigger canoe in Pago Pago Harbor near the hotel with a local canoe club and enjoy panoramic views of Rainmaker Mountain and the historic World War II landmarks of Breakers and Blunts Points. The group will have dinner together at the hotel, and our trip leader will go over instructions for the three-day visit to the Manu‘a districts of the national park, including the extremely remote islands of Ta‘ū and Ofu with limited services. Due to the weight restrictions on the small aircraft for the flight, you will need to pack everything you will need in a carry-on luggage. The remainder of your luggage will be kept at the hotel in Pago Pago. Sadie’s by the Sea (B, L, D)

Day 5: October 14 - Ta‘ū – Ofu, Manu‘a Islands: We will be departing the hotel early this morning to catch the flight to our first stop — Ta‘ū, the largest of the Manu‘a Islands. We will provide a boxed breakfast for you. Historically the island of Ta‘ū enjoys high status, not only because of its size and beauty, but also because of its connection to Tu‘i Manu‘a, the oldest chiefly title in the Samoan Islands and in all of Polynesia. The Ta‘ū portion of the national park covers the southeastern half of the island and approximately 5,400 acres (of which 1,000 acres are offshore), making it the largest contiguous area in the entire park. We will be visiting coastal areas and paths which are often overgrown. We’ll have access to secluded beaches, a littoral forest and archaeological sites. During our journey through Ta‘ū, we’ll delve deeper into NPCA’s efforts to ensure national parks thrive for the next 100 years, a goal that prioritizes the protection of cultural sites and artifacts. Residents will prepare a delicious lunch for us before we depart on a 2-hour boat ride to Ofu. Upon our arrival on Ofu, the group will transfer to the Vaoto Lodge, located in the national park, and check-in. We can spend time in the area and roam the sandy beach in front of the lodge before dinner.
Vaoto Lodge (B, L, D)

Day 6 and 7: October 15 - 16 - Ofu, Manu‘a Islands: We will be spending two days on Ofu Island. We’ll hike its mountains, explore its wildlife and plants, swim and snorkel in a turquoise sea, get to know the beautiful coral reefs and enjoy American Samoa’s loveliest beach. As there are less than 200 residents on this island, it is truly a “private paradise.” Transportation on Ofu is limited so our group will walk or ride in local pickup trucks or vans around the island. In the evening, Ofu is a perfect spot for stargazing and viewing the Southern Cross and falling stars in the night sky of the Southern Hemisphere.
Vaoto Lodge (B, L, D)

Day 8: October 17 - Departure Day - Return to Pago Pago, Tutuila: Today, we will enjoy our last breakfast at Vaoto Lodge and check out. We will walk over to the Ofu airport, just a few steps away from the lodge and check-in for our flight back to Pago Pago. We will arrive in Pago Pago in time to drop off our luggage at Sadie’s by the Sea before continuing on to a local restaurant for lunch. After lunch, we will take a historic walking tour of Fagatogo with a local guide. The village of Fagatogo has been the economic center of American Samoa since serving as the administrative headquarters of the U.S. naval base in Pago Pago from 1900 to 1951. It was for many decades the most Americanized village in the territory, and the only village with a paved road. Today, only 14 naval buildings remain, and in 1988 many of them were entered into the National Register of Historic Places to become part of the U.S. Naval Station Tutuila Historic District (in Pago Pago Harbor). During the tour, we’ll learn why expanding protections for historic sites is a high priority for NPCA. The remainder of the day is free to check out the town on our own, enjoy the beach in front of the hotel or squeeze in a late hike. We’ll check-out of the hotel in the evening before a farewell dinner at the hotel. After dinner, we will transfer to Pago Pago Airport by private shuttle to catch the flight to Honolulu, Hawai‘i.
Day use rooms at Sadie’s by the Sea (B, L, D)

Please note: Accommodations and activities are subject to change at any time due to unforeseen circumstances or circumstances beyond NPCA’s control.

MORE INFORMATION: For full details on this trip, including inclusions, exclusions, accommodations, terms and safety protocols, please download the detailed trip brochure.

Download Detailed Trip Brochure (1 MB pdf)

NPCA TRAVEL ELIGIBILITY: NPCA is the only independent, nonpartisan organization dedicated to advocacy on behalf of the National Park System. We are 100% privately funded and we rely on donations from individuals like you. One traveler per group must be an active NPCA member to participate in an NPCA trip. An annual membership starts at $15 per person. Please make dues payable to NPCA by check or credit card at npca.org.

NPCA TRAVELER RESPONSIBILTY Participants in NPCA’s Educational Travel Program assume responsibility for selecting a trip aligned with their ability, fitness, and overall health. Before joining a trip, all participants must complete and submit NPCA’s waiver of liability, personal information form, flight form, and acknowledge the tour operator’s Terms and Conditions. Additionally, participants are expected to familiarize themselves with all pre-departure materials, ensuring appropriate clothing and gear for the journey.

By enrolling in NPCA’s Educational Travel Program, participants commit to upholding NPCA’s Core Values of Commitment, Inclusion, Integrity, and Respect, as well as embracing NPCA’s Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) principles. This commitment extends to participants conducting themselves safely and appropriately, following instructions from the tour operator or NPCA staff, and adhering to the laws of the destination(s) visited on the NPCA trip. Participants understand that their dedication to these values is essential for creating a safe, positive, respectful, and memorable experience for all involved.

TRAVEL SAFE WITH NPCA: Your safety is our top priority. NPCA has worked diligently with each of our travel partners to develop important safety measures for all our trips.

MORE INFORMATION: For full details on this trip, including inclusions, exclusions, accommodations, terms and safety protocols, please download the detailed trip brochure.

MAKING RESERVATIONS: To secure your space on this NPCA trip, please click the “Register Now” button at the top of this page or contact NPCA’s National Parks Experiences Program at 1-800-628-7275 or travel@npca.org.

TRAVEL PROTECTION: We strongly recommend purchasing important optional travel insurance that will cover you for a variety of travel-related contingencies, such as trip cancellation, interruption, and/or delay; baggage loss, theft, damage or delay; accident and/or sickness medical expenses; accidental death; as well as evacuation/repatriation coverage. Please note that a Pre-Existing Condition waiver is available if you purchase the policy within 21 days of making your initial trip payment. Also consider the optional “Cancel for any Reason” protection. All questions regarding the plan’s coverage should be directed to Travel Insurance Select through USI Affinity at 1-800-937-1387 or by visiting their website.

Have questions? Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Check out NPCA’s full tour lineup at www.npca.org/trips

calendary icon Date August 27, 2024
  • Cost:
    $5,925 per person double occupancy; $6,464 per person single occupancy
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