Greetings from Denali National Park & Preserve

My younger son worked as a marine biologist on a fishing boat in the Bering Sea. He took lots of photos that put Alaska on the top of my bucket list. Finally, in July, 2018, a special friend and I toured Alaska, including Denali National Park. We were told that only 20% of people visiting Alaska see the complete top of Mount Denali. As we were boarding the park tour bus, I mentioned to the driver that a great fear of heights made the tour a challenge. I love seeing animals in their natural habitat, so I was determined to grip the seat and keep my eyes focused on the gorgeous scenery. It was challenging as we got higher on the narrow road, barely wide enough for the bus. I was okay as long as I was on the side of the bus close to the mountain. When I can’t see the bottom of a canyon, a panic attack starts to overcome me. As the bus reached a very narrow point in the trip, the driver stopped the bus and quietly asked me if I would be more comfortable getting off the bus while he maneuvered the bus around to head back down the mountain. Of course, I accepted his very thoughtful offer. We watched a Mama bear leading her trio of babies up the mountain, several moose calmly grazing, ignoring the gawking tourists. The only animal we didn’t see was a wolf. As we left Denali, heading south on the highway, we stopped at a monument to Alaska military. Someone shrieked, “There’s Denali-all of it!!” I was mesmerized and couldn’t move, stunned by the majestic beauty of the mountain in all its’ glory.


Denali National Park & Preserve

Home to North America's highest mountain, Denali National Park and Preserve encompasses more than 6 million acres of varied settings.

State(s): Alaska

Established: 1917

“As I saw the top of Mount Denali, I felt as though God had moved the clouds and poised the sun, reminding me of His creation and my responsibility to cherish its’ splendor for future generations to experience.”

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