Press Release Oct 23, 2015

Drawing the Line: Final National Park Service Proposal Aims to Protect Alaska's Bears and Wolves

Statement by Joan Frankevich, Alaska Program Manager, National Parks Conservation Association.


October 23, 2015, the National Park Service published a final regulations package to restrict certain sport hunting practices in national preserves in Alaska.

Statement by Joan Frankevich, Alaska Program Manager, National Parks Conservation Association.

“National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) commends today’s release of final wildlife regulations for sport hunting on our national preserves in Alaska. Alaska’s national parks and preserves attract visitors from around the world for the opportunity to see animals like bears and wolves.”

“Since 2001, NPCA has documented more than 60 instances where the Alaska Board of Game ignored requests by the Park Service to exempt park lands from proposed regulations that conflict with its purposes and policies. In issuing the final wildlife regulations, the Park Service is following through on a long-anticipated action, to disallow state regulations that target bears, wolves and other predators on national preserves.“

“Today’s announcement marks a remarkable step towards managing national preserves as Congress intended, to protect our spectacular Alaska wildlife, which attracts millions of visitors each year. NPCA commends the extensive public process that the park service led, and supports the full implementation of these new regulations.”

Statement by Jim Stratton, Alaska Regional Council Member for the National Parks Conservation Association.

“Predator control and national park lands just don’t mix. With the National Park Service’s release of its final wildlife regulations for sport hunting, baiting bears, snaring bears, and crawling into a bear’s den to shoot mama and baby bears on our national preserve lands in Alaska will no longer be allowed.”

“As former Alaska Regional Director for National Parks Conservation Association and current regional council member, I have worked for more than a decade to fight back against UnBearable sport hunting methods allowed on our national preserve lands. Today is a great day for wolves and bears in Alaska.”


About National Parks Conservation Association
Since 1919, the nonpartisan National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) has been the leading voice in safeguarding our national parks. NPCA and its more than one million members and supporters work together to protect and preserve our nation’s natural, historical, and cultural heritage for future generations. For more information, visit

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