Letter May 2, 2017

Efforts to Repeal or Undermine Protections for Parks and Monuments

Letter (423 KB)

More than 450 organizations signed the following letter expressing unified opposition to any efforts to remove or decrease protections for any national monuments.

Dear President Trump, Secretary Zinke, and Secretary Ross,

On behalf of more than 450 undersigned organizations and our millions of members across the country, we are writing to express our deep concern with your recent Executive Orders and our unified opposition to any efforts to remove or decrease protections for any national monuments.

Since its enactment over a hundred years ago, the Antiquities Act has been one of our nation’s most critical conservation tools for preserving our nation’s most important public lands and waters. Our national parks and monuments and other protected public lands and waters unite all Americans by protecting our shared American heritage for future generations to enjoy. The sheer diversity of historic, cultural, and natural treasures that have been protected by the Antiquities Act is the reason why hundreds of groups representing sportsmen, cultural heritage organizations, evangelicals, conservation, recreation businesses, historic preservation, social justice, and many others all oppose efforts to undermine our national monuments and view an attack on any one national monument as an attack on them all.

Whether focused on the Bears Ears National Monument and the over 100,000 irreplaceable cultural and archaeological resources protected in this landscape or the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument which protected unique and pristine ocean habitats and marine life, or any other monument that protects our cultural, historic and natural treasures, an attempt to undermine protections for these uniquely American places would not only rob the American people of our shared heritage but establish a dangerous precedent that we can no longer trust that park or monument can be considered fully safeguarded for future generations.

The American people, including the millions of members we represent, overwhelmingly oppose efforts to roll back protections for the parks, monuments, marine sanctuaries and other public lands and waters they love. According to Colorado College’s Conservation in the West Poll, 80% of western voters support keeping existing national monuments protections in place while only 13% of western voters supported removing protections for existing monuments. This poll reinforces other surveys that document widespread public opposition to congressional attacks on new parks. In a December 2014 Hart Research Poll, 90% of Americans support the permanent protection of some public lands, monuments, wildlife refuges and wilderness. Americans want more protected public lands and waters, not less!

We are concerned that this review is a pretense to advance efforts to undermine or strip protections for current national monuments. This review and the implied effort to roll back our monuments worries those who love our national monuments and the communities that rely on them to power their local economies. Just this week the Outdoor Industry Association unveiled a study that shows the outdoor recreation economy generates $887 billion in economic activity and is responsible for 7.6 million jobs. Protected public lands and waters are the backbone of this economy and any effort to introduce uncertainty by implying that the national monuments that drive local economies may not be permanent will hurt those gateway communities and businesses that depend on them.

We believe that any review that is rigorously fact based, includes robust public input and is cognizant of the resources on the ground will undoubtedly show that our National Monuments are beyond deserving of their status and protections and should be safeguarded in their current states for future generations. We encourage the Department of the Interior to listen to the American people and reflect deeply on the values and resources they are sworn to protect and believe that this can lead to only one recommendation – that our national monuments are treasures worthy of the utmost protection.

Our organizations and the diverse array of members and interests we represent are united in our support for our national parks and monuments. Our national monuments protect our uniquely American heritage and we stand with the overwhelming majority of our fellow Americans in defending them from efforts to undermine protections for parks and monuments. We urge you to refrain from any effort to shrink, repeal or otherwise undermine any National Monuments.

Thank you for your consideration.


350.org National
ACORN Partners in Education CA
Action Tennessee TN
African American Nature and Parks Experience National
Agua Fria Open Space Alliance AZ
Alabama Hills Stewardship Group CA
Alaska Wilderness League AK
Amah Mutsun Land Trust  CA
Amah Mutsun Tribal Band CA
Armargosa Conservancy CA
American Alpine Club CO
American Association of Independent & Minority Enterprises National
American Bird Conservancy National
American Rivers National
American Sustainable Business Council D.C.
Amigos Bravos NM
Anchorage Audubon Society AK
Appalachian Mountain Club ME
Applegate Neighborhood Network OR
Aquarium of the Bay CA
Archeology Southwest CA
Arizona Conservation Partners AZ
Arizona Joshua Tree Forest AZ
Arizona Wilderness Coalition AZ
Asian Pacific Policy & Planning Council (A3PCON) National
Association of Zoos & Aquariums National
Audubon Society National
Audubon Society Alaska AK
Audubon Society Bedford NY
Audubon Society Bronx River – Sound Shore NY
Audubon Society Buffalo NY
Audubon Society California CA
Audubon Society Capital Region NY
Audubon Society Connecticut CT
Audubon Society Delaware-Otsego NY
Audubon Society Four Harbors NY
Audubon Society Genesee Valley NY
Audubon Society Grand Valley CO
Audubon Society Great Lakes Regional
Audubon Society Great Salt Lake UT
Audubon Society New York NY
Audubon Society North Shore NY
Audubon Society Northern Catskills NY
Audubon Society Rhode Island RI
Audubon Society San Bernardino Valley CA
Audubon Society Sangre de Cristo NM
Audubon Society Sierra Foothills CA
Audubon Vermont VT
Audubon Washington WA
Back Country Horsemen of New Mexico NM
Bad River Watershed Association WI
Basin and Range Watch CA
Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters CA
Bielenberg Historic Pullman House Foundation IL
Birds of Prey Partnership ID
Black Metropolis National Heritage Area Commission IL
Blue Ridge Env. Def. League - Watauga Watershed Alliance TN
Bodie Hills Conservation Partnership CA
Braided River WA
Brigham Young University Earth Stewardship UT
Bronzeville Historical Society IL
Business for Water Stewardship OR
Cabrillo Marine Aquarium CA
California Coastkeeper Alliance CA
California Native Plant Society CA
California ReLeaf CA
California State Parks Foundation CA
California Wilderness Coalition CA
California Wilderness Project CA
Californians for Western Wilderness CA
Calumet Collaborative IL/IN
Calumet Heritage Partnership IL/IN
CalWild CA
Carrizo Plain Conservancy CA
Cascade Forest Conservancy OR
Center for American Progress National
Center for Aquatic Sciences at Adventure Aquarium NJ
Center for Biological Diversity National
Center for Diversity and the Environment National
Center for Sierra Nevada Conservation CA
Central Colorado Wilderness Coalition CO
Central Oregon Bitterbrush Broads OR
Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center CA
Central Westchester Audubon Society NY
Cesar Chavez Foundation CA
Chaffee County, Colorado CO
Chemung Valley Audubon Society NY
Cherokee Forest Voices TN
China Ranch Date Farm CA
Christians For The Mountains      WV
Circle Mountain Biological Consultants, Inc.  CA
Clean Water Action National
Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection AZ
Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks National
Coloradans for Utah Wilderness UT
Colorado Canyons Association CO
Colorado Mountain Club CO
Colorado Native Plant Society CO
Colorado Sierra Club CO
Computer Sprout WV
Conejos Clean Water CO
Connecticut Fund for the Environment CT
Connecticut Land Conservation Council CT
Connecticut Ornithological Association CT
Conservation Alabama AL
Conservation Colorado CO
Conservation Council for Hawai‘i HI
Conservation Lands Foundation National
Conservation Law Foundation MA
Conservation Southwest Utah UT
Conservation Voters for Idaho ID
Conservation Voters New Mexico NM
Conservation Voters New Mexico Education Fund NM
Conservatives for Responsible Stewardship National
Conserve Southwest Utah UT
Council of Mexican Federations (COFEM) National
Craighead Institute MT
Crow Canyon Archaeological Center CO
Defenders of Wildlife National
Diverse Environmental Leaders (DEL) National Speakers Bureau National
Dolores River Boating Advocates CO
Earth Island Institute National
Earth Ministry WA
EarthEcho International National
Earthjustice National
Earthworks National
East West Printing, Inc. WV
EcoFlight National
Eight Rivers Council      WV
Elders Rising National
Ellen’s Homemade Ice Cream WV
Environment America National
Environment Arizona AZ
Environment California CA
Environment Colorado CO
Environment Connecticut CT
Environment Florida FL
Environment Georgia GA
Environment Illinois IL
Environment Iowa IA
Environment Maine ME
Environment Maryland MD
Environment Massachusetts MA
Environment Michigan MI
Environment Minnesota MN
Environment Missouri MO
Environment Montana MT
Environment Nevada NV
Environment New Hampshire NH
Environment New Jersey NJ
Environment New Mexico NM
Environment New York NY
Environment North Carolina NC
Environment Ohio OH
Environment Oregon OR
Environment Rhode Island RI
Environment Texas TX
Environment Virginia VA
Environment Washington WA
Environmental Justice Coalition for Water National
Environmental Law and Policy Center IL/MI/MN/OH/SD/ND
Eric Larsen Explore National
Evergreen Mountain Bike WA
Eyak Preservation Council AK
Farmington River Watershed Association CT
Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs Western
First Unitarian Church, Salt Lake City UT
Forest Issues Group CA
Fort Ord Recreation Trails CA
Fort Stanton Cave Study Project NM
Friends and Neighbors of the Deschutes Canyon Area (FANs) OR
Friends of Agua Fria National Monument AZ
Friends of Alaska National Wildlife Refuges AK
Friends of Basin & Range NV
Friends of Big Morongo Canyon Preserve CA
Friends of Browns Canyon CO
Friends of Cascade Siskiyou National Monument OR
Friends of Cedar Mesa UT
Friends of Gold Butte NV
Friends of Ironwood Forest AZ
Friends of Nevada Wilderness NV
Friends of Oregon Badlands Wilderness OR
Friends of Organ Mountains - Desert Peaks NM
Friends of Peru State Forest MA
Friends of Point Arena - Stornetta Lands AZ
Friends of Pompeys Pillar MT
Friends of Sloan Canyon NV
Friends of Sonoran Desert National Monument AZ
Friends of the Bitterroot MT
Friends of the Cheat WV
Friends of the Cliffs AZ
Friends of the Desert Mountains CA
Friends of the Earth National
Friends of the Forest Preserves IL
Friends of the Inyo CA
Friends of the Kalmiopsis OR
Friends of the Missouri Breaks Monument MT
Friends of the Owyhees OR
Friends of the Sonoran Desert AZ
Friends of the Yampa CO
Gathering Waters WI
Geos Institute OR
GLSEN National
Grand Canyon Trust AZ
Grand Canyon Wildlands Council AZ
Grand Staircase Escalante Partners UT
Great Old Broads for Wilderness CO
Great Old Broads for Wilderness - Bozeman Broadband MT
Great Old Broads for Wilderness - Footsteps of Leopold Broadband AZ
Great Old Broads for Wilderness - Grand Junction Chapter CO
Great Old Broads for Wilderness - Great Basin Eastern Nevada Broadband NV
Great Old Broads for Wilderness - Northern San Juan Broadband CO
Great Old Broads for Wilderness - Reno Broadband NV
Great Old Broads for Wilderness - Roaring Fork Broadband CO
Great Old Broads for Wilderness - Teton Valley Chapter WY/ID
Great Old Broads for Wilderness - Wasatch Broadband UT
Great Old Broads for Wilderness - Willamette Valley Broadband OR
Greater Yellowstone Coalition MT
Greenbelt Alliance CA
GreenLatinos National
Greenpeace National
Hanalei Watershed Hui HI
Hawai‘i Wildlife Fund HI
Hawaii Fishing & Boating Association HI
Hells Canyon Preservation Council OR
High Country Conservation Advocates CO
Hills For Everyone CA
Hispanic Access Foundation National
Hispanic Federation National
Hispanics Enjoying Camping, Hunting, and the Outdoors National
Historic Pullman Foundation IL
Hoosier Environmental Council IN
Housatonic Valley Association CT
Hui Ho‘omalu i ka ‘Aina HI
Human Rights Campaign National
Huntington-Oyster Bay Audubon NY
Huron River Watershed Council OH
Idaho Conservation League ID
Indivisible Ogden UT
Institute for a Progressive Nevada NV
International Dark-Sky Association: High Desert Region CA
International Fund for Animal Welfare National
Islanders for the San Juan Islands National Monument WA
Izaak Walton League of America, Headwaters Chapter OH
Joshua Tree Astronomy Arts Theater CA
Joshua Tree National Park Association CA
KAHEA-The Hawaiian-Environmental Alliance HI
Kanawha Forest Coalition WV
Kaua‘i Albatross Network HI
Keep the Woods CT
Kentucky Heartwood KY
Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center OR
Land Trust of Santa Cruz County CA
Landmarks Illinois IL
Las Cruces Green Chamber of Commerce NM
Lassen Forest Preservation Group CA
League of Conservation Voters National
Lee International ME
Lider Engineering WA
Loo Wit Group WA
Los Angeles Waterkeeper CA
Los Padres ForestWatch CA
Lost Coast Interpretive Association UT
Loxahatchee River Historical Society FL
Lutheran Office of Public Policy - California CA
Maine Conservation Voters ME
Maine Public Health Association ME
Maine Rivers ME
Marine Conservation Institute Oceans
Mattole Restoration Council CA
Mendocino Land Trust CA
Michael Gordon Photography CA
Milwaukee River Keeper WI
Mission Blue National
Mississippi Park Connection MN/WI
Mojave Desert Land Trust CA
Mojave National Preserve Conservancy CA
Mono Lake Committee CA
Montana Conservation Voters Education Fund MT
Montana Wilderness Association MT
Montana Wildlife Federation MT
Mormon Environmental Stewardship Alliance UT
Mountain Lakes Preservation Alliance WV
Mystic Aquarium CT
NAACP National
National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers National
National Center for Transgender Equality National
National Ocean Protection Coalition National
National Parks Conservation Association National
National Wildlife Refuge Association National
Native Hawaiian Cultural Working Group HI
Natural Resources Council of Maine ME
Natural Resources Defense Council National
Natural Resources Defense Council - California CA
Nature Abounds PA
Nevada Conservation League NV
New Hampshire Audubon NH
New Hampshire Lakes Association NH
New Hampshire Rivers Council NH
New Mexico Friends of Utah Wilderness NM
New Mexico Sportsmen NM
New Mexico Wilderness Alliance NM
New Mexico Wildlife Federation NM
North Carolina League of Conservation Voters NC
Northern Alaska Environmental Center AK
Northern Initiatives MI
Northwest Indiana Restoration Monitoring Inventory IN
Ocean Conservancy National
Ocean Conservation Research CA
Oceana National
Ohio Environmental Council OH
Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition WV
Onondaga Audubon NY
Openlands IL/IN/WI
Orange County Audubon Society CA
Oregon League of Conservation Voters OR
Oregon Natural Desert Association OR
Oregon Wild OR
ORV Watch Kern County CA
OUT There Adventures National
Outdoor Afro National
Outdoor Project National
Outside Las Vegas Foundation NV
P3 Utah UT
Papahanaumokuakea Native Hawaiian Cultural Working Group HI
Partnership for Responsible Business NM
Partnership for the National Trails System National
Patagonia Area Resource Alliance AZ
Patagonia, Inc National
Pathways - Wildlife Corridors of New Mexico NM
Peaceful Uprising UT
Penn Center SC
PennEnvironment PA
Point Arena Lighthouse Keepers, Inc. CA
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium WA
Praxis Project National
Pride Outside D.C.
Project Bobcat CA
Protection of New Hampshire Forests NH
Public Citizen National
Pullman Arts IL
Pullman Civic Organization IL
Putnam Highlands Audubon Society NY
Quaker Voice National
Quiet Use Coalition CO
RESTORE: The North Woods ME
Rio Grande del Norte NM
Rivers & Birds NM
Rivers Alliance CT
Rocky Mountain Wild CO
Salt Lake Indivisible UT
San Gabriel Mountains Forever CA
San Gorgonio Wilderness Association CA
San Juan Citizens Alliance CO
San Luis Valley Ecosystem Council CO
Sanctuary Forest CA
Santa Fe Green Chamber of Commerce NM
Save The Bay RI
Save the Sound CT/MA
Scenic America National
Seattle Aquarium WA
Sempervirens Fund CA
Shedd Aquarium IL
Sheep Mountain Alliance CO
Shoshone Village CA
Sierra Club National
Sierra Club - Hawai'i HI
Sierra Club - Military Outdoors National
Sierra Club - Pennsylvania Chapter PA
Sierra Club - Tennessee Chapter TN
Sierra Club - Watauga TN
Sierra Nevada Alliance CA
Sky Island Alliance AZ
Soda Mountain Wilderness Council OR
Soul River Inc. WA
Southeast Environmental Task Force IL
Southern Adirondack Audubon Society NY
Southern California Desert Video Astronomers CA
Southern Christian Coalition TN
Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance UT
Southwest Environmental Center NM
St. Croix River Association MN/WI
Surfrider Foundation National
Swan View Coalition MT
Tennessee Citizens for Wilderness Planning TN
Tennessee Wild TN
Territory Run Co. OR
The Bay Institute CA
The California Chaparral Institute CA
The City Project CA
The Dignitas Agency NV
The Friends of Sparta Mountain NJ
The LOST FISH Coalition HI
The Mountain Pact Mountain west local governments
The National Aquarium MD
The Ocean Project National
The Piedmont Environmental Council VI
The Trail Posse WA
The Wilderness Society National
Torrey House Press UT
Transition Habitat Conservancy CA
Trinidad Coastal Land Trust CA
Trout Unlimited, Illinois Chapter IL
Trust for Public Land National
Tucson Great Old Broads for Wilderness AZ
Tuleyome CA
Tuolumne River Trust CA
Uplift Climate UT
Upper Gila Watershed Alliance NM
Utah Dine Bikeyah UT
Utah Indivisible UT
Utah Interfaith Power & Light UT
Utah Professional Archaeological Council UT
Utah Rivers Council UT
Utah State Society and Natural Resources UT
Utahans Speak Out UT
Vermont Conservation Voters VT
Vermont Natural Resources Council VT
Vermont Public Interest Research Group VT
Vet Voice Foundation National
Voices Verdes National
Voyageurs National Park Association MN/WI
Waitt Foundation National
Waitt Institute National
Wasatch Mountain Club UT
Washington Conservation Voters WA
Washington Environmental Council WA
Washington Trails Association WA
Washington Wild WA
WasteWater Education MI
West Virginia Highlands Conservancy WV
West Virginia Land Trust WV
West Virginia Rivers Coalition WV
Western Colorado Congress CO
Western Environmental Law Center National
Western Resource Advocates National
Western Slope Conservation Center CO
Western Watersheds Project WY
Western Wildlife Conservancy UT
Wild South NC, AL
Wild Utah Project UT
Wild Virginia VA
Wildearth Guardians National
Wilderness Workshop CO
WildLands Defense National
Wildlands Network CO
Wildlife Conservation Advocacy Southwest NM
Winter Wildlands Alliance MT
Wisconsin Environment WI
Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters WI
Wisconsin Wildlife Federation WI
Wyoming Outdoor Council WY
Yellowstone to Uintas Connection UT

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