Diquan Edmonds is passionate about conserving America’s National Parks and ensuring that all individuals have equitable access to using public lands.
Diquan received his Master of Science degree from North Carolina State University in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism management in 2019. Currently, he is the Education and Outreach Manager for the Triangle Land Conservancy, a non-profit landtrust in Durham, North Carolina. At the Triangle Land Conservancy, Diquan works to connect people to nature through the benefits of land conservation. In his role, he started the Pathways Into Natural Environments and Science (PINES) Fellowship Program, which works to create a pathway of opportunities for high school students in the field of conservation and natural resources. In 2019, Diquan was chosen to be a member of the National Park Service Academy, where he spent the summer season working with the Youth Conservation Corps in Yellowstone National Park. Diquan’s goal is to one day visit all of our National Parks, and to see more people who look like him enjoying them as well.