Blake Borwig is an Environmental Scientist based in central Kentucky working to improve air quality within the Bluegrass state.
Born and raised in rural Kentucky, Blake hails from a state reliant on fossil fuels, namely coal. He has actively pursued opportunities to ensure that the Commonwealth of Kentucky is on the forefront of renewable energy efforts. He hopes his legacy is one of tangible change, as he helps Kentucky decarbonize its grid while improving air quality for those who live in Kentucky, as well as for anyone who visits the area to experience its natural beauty.
While living abroad in Brazil, Blake dedicated much of his time to service via various grassroots environmental groups, where he primarily aided conservation efforts to remove invasive species. His efforts helped a local wildlife sanctuary known as “Parque Ecológico do Córrego Grande” create a management plan to ensure conservation of the park, as no legislation or plan existed prior. Currently, the park is working to restore local fauna and planting native tree species to help maintain the biodiversity of the Atlantic Forest.
As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, Blake hopes to make our national parks more inclusive. Throughout his life, Blake has witnessed firsthand both the importance and challenge of creating inclusivity while also reducing discrimination in public spaces, especially public parks. Safety concerns and a sense of not belonging are among many reasons the LGBTQIA+ community may not visit our parks. He recognizes the reality that public lands have not always been equally accessible and programs have not been developed with inclusivity in mind. He hopes that these spaces create or revive narratives of belonging for folks who have often been made to feel that they biologically, culturally, or socially don’t belong. As a member of the NPCA Next Generation Advisory Council, Blake will work to give the LGBTQIA+ community a voice and ensure our parks are a space for everyone.