Greetings from Crater Lake National Park

I visited Crater Lake for the first time on my honeymoon. Having traveled 2500 miles, I hoped the cost would be worth it. Nothing prepared me for its magnificence. The park was busy on that August day back in 2003. I didn’t understand the hushed silence of the crowd standing at crater rim until I reached the location. Some sites cannot be described with words. The beauty is too overwhelming, too majestic to express in any language. I can only say it was, and will remain, one of the greatest spiritual experiences of my life. The glassy, brilliant blue of the deep water, the sight of Wizard Island, the purity of the perfect cloudless Oregon sky are forever burned in my memory. My life would be different without that vision. A place this spectacular and inspirational must be shared.


Crater Lake National Park

Crater Lake sits in a rugged portion of the Cascade Range and is famous for its deep, jewel-blue water. An impressive 20-mile ring of cliffs encloses the basin and adds to its magnificence.

State(s): Oregon

Established: 1902

“These beautiful lands are the treasure of the American people. As our legacy, they must be cherished and protected to remind us of our place in this world. ”

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