I selected the Grand Teton NP to write about because it is one of my whole family’s favorite. Visiting the national parks began for my family shortly after we were married. It started with a 2 week vacation out west that spanned 5 NP. The beauty, vastness and splendor was diverse and awe inspiring. Trips to other more local parks continued over the years. Fast forward 12 years and a four day covered Wagon trip with a 4 year old son and a 7 year old daughter through the Tetons and you have the trip of a lifetime that dreams and memories are made of. Days on horseback, meals in a chow line eating off tin trays and sleeping in an “old west” covered wagon all while enjoying some of the most beautiful scenery you could ever hope to enjoy. To this day ask my kids about their favorite vacation ever and I’ll bet my life savings on their response! Over the years trips out west to more and more national parks has continued to be a favorite. Living for 4 years outside of Washington, DC and a whole new selection opened for us. Five years ago to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the National Parks my husband and I took a three week journey back to some of our favorite parks and added in 2 new ones. Our marriage and our love affair of the National Parks has spanned 45 years this summer and we see no end in sight, especially considering that both our children have trips out west to visit the National Parks with their children on their priority lists. We sure hope to be apart of the next generation of NP goers, our grandchildren. We hope the old saying, “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone” never becomes a reality for these beautiful parks all across our country.
Grand Teton National Park
This spectacular destination preserves a dramatic stretch of the Teton Range bordering the Snake River. One of the unusual features of these distinctive mountains is the absence of foothills, meaning that there are no smaller mountains blocking the view. The park also features glacier-carved lakes, a historic district of weathered buildings made by 19th century Mormon homesteaders, and an abundance of wildlife large and small, including nearly 1,000 bison that roam the grassy fields in herds.
State(s): Wyoming
Established: 1929
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