Greetings from Cuyahoga Valley National Park

I love CVNP park because it is a place to seek quiet and beauty with my husband, dogs and friends. We hike, take pics and connect with nature. Exploring Virginia Kendall’s rock formations, lush moss and root systems of trees that intermingle with the rocks or stand on the viewing area for a beautiful panoramic sight of green landscape and a sunrise or sunset. Walking along the beaver marsh that is reclaimed land and see beavers, turtles, many birds, hiking by the quarry and around Indigo Lake, seeing and hearing the whistle blow as the CVNR goes by on the train tracks, seeing the majestic nesting bald eagles throughout the park and the blue herons in their nesting areas. Going to Szlays and enjoying the natural beauty it is surrounded by shopping the market, listening to music and having some grilled sweet corn, spending the day at hale farm learning of history and going back in time and in the winter enjoying the lantern tours there.


Cuyahoga Valley National Park

This park preserves 22 miles of the Cuyahoga River and the mosaic of natural and man-made features surrounding it, including lush forests, rolling hills, wetlands, waterfalls, farm fields, historic buildings and dramatic rock ledges. Decades before this Midwestern site officially became a national park, severe pollution in the river outraged and embarrassed the country, helping to spur the creation of the Clean Water Act, the Environmental Protection Agency and Earth Day. Now the health of the river has improved significantly, and the park offers numerous recreational opportunities and even a scenic railroad for its millions of visitors each year.

State(s): Ohio

Established: 1975

“I feel a fierce need to protect natural places and wildlife that are being lost by human encroachment and unchecked capitalism. I am a fierce advocate for protecting parks from logging, drilling and development. Much of mankind has forgotten how interconnected we are to the land, wildlife, birds, waterways, trees that we depend for our very existence. I do not want to imagine a world for myself and future generations that is relentlessly wrecked by the ravages of man. Parks represent the last vestiges of protected and sacred land and more green space needs to be protected.”

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