Greetings from Padre Island National Seashore

Witnessing the first release of newly hatched baby turtles is putting in real life the movie Moana of which I enjoy watching with my toddler grandson. We are a family of animal lovers and particularly sea turtles are one of the favorites since we also love the water.

Padre Island National Seashore is not only a home for releasing newly hatched turtles but also of beautiful sand dunes with wild flowers. Exploring the beach was a beatuful experience.

Edita Samson

Padre Island National Seashore

Travelers might not picture stunning beaches and undisturbed lagoons, marshlands, and coastal prairies when they think of Texas, but Padre Island National Seashore preserves the largest undeveloped barrier island in the world with a range of unspoiled natural features. The varied types of geography at the park make it an ideal stopover for a range of migratory birds on the Central Flyway seeking food and shelter, and the American Bird Conservancy has designated the park a Globally Important Bird Area. An estimated 380 different types of birds inhabit Padre Island over the course of a year—nearly half the total number of bird species in the entire country.

State(s): Texas

Established: 1968

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