Greetings from Canyonlands National Park

After surviving breast and ovarian cancer,and our 25 year wedding anniversary ,my husband and I decided to complete our love of nature by resuming our national park adventures. Life is meant to be lived and no better place than our national parks. Despite my limitations I’m determined to try and see all our parks have to offer!


Canyonlands National Park

Canyonlands National Park preserves an immense desert wilderness sculpted by the Green and Colorado rivers and featuring hundreds of colorful canyons, mesas, buttes, fins, arches and spires. The Island in the Sky District is the most accessible and popular section of the park — a mesa with spectacular views of the surrounding canyons. The Needles is a vaster territory below the Island in the Sky where visitors can hike among the sandstone spires and breathtaking rocks.

State(s): Utah

Established: 1964

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