NPCA is dedicated to ensuring that all NPS resources are adequately protected and that includes the paleontological and geological heritage represented in nearly 300 units across the United States — they complement the living landscapes in which they reside.

©NPCA/Gabriel Piacsek

The Dinosaurs in the National Parks

Learn more about paleontological resources in the NPS with a focus on dinosaur fossils, how visitors can experience them, and the rules and regulations involved.

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The Paleo resources in our National Parks are part of every American’s natural and cultural heritage. They remind us that the story of nature is bigger than our own lifetimes. These snapshots of history should inspire us to embrace a future of conservation and respect for the natural resources, past or present, our country has to offer.

Gabriel Piacsek, NPCA’s 1st Paleo Fellow, Summer 2023

For more information on NPCA’s paleontology work, contact Christa Cherava at

Learn more about fossils and paleontology at

Wednesday, October 15, 2025 is National Fossil Day

This day is intentionally located in the middle of Earth Science Week and is celebrated by nearly 400 academic and research institutions, non-profits, partners, agencies, etc. Read More.

My countdown

Badlands National Park, shown at the top of this page, contains some of the most fossiliferous geologic material in the NPS with prehistoric remains ranging from 26.8-74.7 million years of age. Photo by AndrewKPepper, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

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