NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the Senate ahead of expected floor votes on February 20, 2025.
Support Sen. Hirono amendment #155, which calls for providing adequate staffing in our national parks, national forests and wildlife refuges. The current unprecedented loss of thousands of career staff at our land management agencies will have devastating effects on the protection and management of these lands and cause economic hardship to the communities that surround them.
Support Sen. Bennet amendment #538, which calls for reinstating the National Park Service employees who, along with thousands of other valuable federal workers, were unjustifiably fired on February 14th, 2025. The employees who serve our national parks are dedicated public servants who have made a commitment to preserving irreplaceable park resources and serving the visiting public.
Support Sen. Bennet amendment #540, which calls for reinstating the federal public lands employees who were recently fired and would restore the ability of federal land management agencies to safeguard our nation’s natural and cultural resources and serve the visiting public.
Support Sen. King amendment #255, which calls for fully staffing our national parks. It has already been a challenge for the National Park Service to adequately protect resources and serve visitors. Prior to the recent dismissal of a thousand National Park Service employees and other alarming reductions in National Park Service personnel levels, our national parks were still understaffed. Since 2010, the staffing to operate our national parks has fallen by 20%, despite a 16% increase in park visitation. This amendment seeks to undo the harm that has been caused by national park understaffing.
For More Information
John Garder
Senior Director of Budget & Appropriations, Government Affairs