Help support a healthy, accessible Mississippi National River and Recreation Area.
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We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to reimagine the future of the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area in the Twin Cities. The Army Corps of Engineers is studying the future of Lower St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam and Lock and Dam 1. Both no longer serve their original navigational purpose and the Army Corps is conducting a study now to determine what to do with these structures. This includes considering lock and dam removal, disposal, modification or future use opportunities. Building on our decade of advocacy for the Mississippi River here, NPCA is working with local communities to understand what’s possible for the national park, our connection to it and best uses for it.
Map of Study Area
Utilizing historical imagery, mapping and data, NPCA has created several renderings of the locks and dams in question to help us think creatively and consider all options. As part of this, NPCA is calling for a thorough analysis of all alternatives being considered, including dam removal and the connected impacts on the surrounding community and health of the river. Our renderings help us visualize a future with a free-flowing river that could improve water quality, restore native fish and provide more recreational access. Join us in speaking up for the Mississippi River and all the existing and future opportunities it holds.
Lower St. Anthony Falls
Lower St. Anthony Falls, 1885.
Henry BosseLower St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam today.
AndreyKrRendering of Lower St. Anthony Falls. Without the lock & dam, the river level will drop 24 feet, revealing fast-flowing and rocky rapids. At low water, the shorelines could extend out from both banks and islands could emerge. Recreational opportunities could change here based on the nature and flow of the river and water level.
Illustration by LVBrown StudioLake Street/Marshall Avenue Bridge
Lake Street Bridge, circa 1897.
Minnesota Historical SocietyLake Street/Marshall Avenue Bridge today.
John AnfinsonRendering of Lake Street/Marshall Avenue Bridge. Without the locks and dams, the river level could drop as much as 37 feet. The river above the bridge would become fast-flowing rapids at high water. Downstream from the bridge, the river would slow, and more islands could form.
Illustration by LVBrown StudioLock & Dam #1
Mississippi River view from Soldiers Home, circa 1905.
Minnesota Historical SocietyLock and Dam #1 today.
John AnfinsonRendering of Mississippi River at Ford Parkway Bridge. Without the lock & dam, the river would drop 38 feet. Many islands could form between here and upstream toward the Lake St./Marshall Ave. Bridge. New recreational uses could increase, especially as the river water levels fall.
Illustration by LVBrown StudioRendering of Mississippi River with repurposed hydrostation. The potential for adaptive reuse of existing structures is under consideration. The existing hydroelectric power plant on the river’s east side could be repurposed for other uses. At higher water levels here, fishing boats and speed boats could still ascend the river well upstream.
Illustration by LVBrown Studio
This chart highlights sediment build up. Click image to enlarge.
Given changes to the Mississippi River’s physical characteristics over the last 100+ years, it may not look exactly like it did before locks and dams were built but would likely offer many new opportunities. The river’s water levels and flow would vary greatly with the seasons and rainfall amounts. Additionally, years of sediment has built up on the riverbed. What is in that sediment? Where would it go if the lock and dam was removed?
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