
Congress: Aid the Park Service in managing historic and cultural resources.

Urge Congress to support H.R. 7936, Representative Paul Tonko’s legislation to provide $250 million for long-underfunded cultural resources and history programs at America’s national parks. We must ensure America’s national parks and the people who work so hard to protect them are prepared against climate change.

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2023 By the numbers

  • 45,563 advocates joined online campaigns

  • 206,367 messages sent to decisionmakers

  • 24,106+ new advocates

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NPCA Victories

  • Victory

    New National Monument Honors Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley

    A new national park site will ensure that the tragic death of Emmett Till and the strength and resolve of his mother, Mamie Till-Mobley, are never forgotten.

  • Victory

    Great American Outdoors Act

    The Great American Outdoors Act is providing crucial funding – up to $6.65 billion over five years – to fix our national parks’ crumbling roads, decaying buildings, outdated water systems…

  • NPCA at Work

    Victory for 20 Million Acres of National Park Lands

    The Biden administration protected America's largest national park landscape by stopping a 211-mile industrial mining road that would have sliced through Gates of the Arctic National Preserve, disrupted caribou migration…

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